MoonRock Is Migrating to Ethereum!!

MoonRock Is Migrating to Ethereum!!

MoonRock Is Migrating to Ethereum!!


The MoonRock team is delighted to announce our migration from BSC to Ethereum (on or before March 31, 2022), and we’re taking a U-haul truck of goodies with us. Come and take a look at what’s inside:

RockSwap: A proprietary swapping tool for exchanging cryptocurrencies, no matter the blockchain. 100% Decentralized✅ Quick✅ Safe✅ Anonymous✅ Untraceable✅

Sub-Ecosystems: These are individual ecosystem tokens that branch off to pursue their own initiatives with MoonRock providing continued long-term support & guidance.

Community Portfolio: We manage the community assets by investing in crypto assets of different categories & market caps. We use the profits for operations, marketing, tech development, and buybacks & burns.

Launchpad: A platform for new crypto projects and ideas to be authenticated, incubated, and launched.

Time Capsule Staking: A revolutionary form of staking tokens (new tech).

There is much to love about our future as we migrate to the Ethereum blockchain. Check out this new tech MoonRock releasing once it’s on Ethereum!!

Stay Tuned in MoonRock!

(Decentralized Time-Locked Staking)

The Problem:


The Solution:

MoonRock has created a revolutionized way to deter hacks, advance the staking mechanism, and increase utilities — solving most, if not all, of current staking setbacks. We believe Time Capsule staking will become the norm as adoption continues into the future.

The way our staking works is by allowing token holders to create their own smart contract that belongs just to them. The created Time Capsule is not shared with any other stakers. Once a time capsule is created and secured in the staker’s wallet, the staker can trade the time capsule in a DeFi secondary market, use it as collateral for loans, vote in a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), and/or use as allocations for launchpads. In essence, we’ve created a technology that’s made the derivative market possible in the DeFi world.

Stay tuned for our Time Capsule MarketPlace 😉

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